A. G. Tuttle, of Baraboo, Wis., is mentioned by The Western Farmetr > as possessing trees of this variety already bearing fruit, although not more than two years old. This early bearing quality together with the hardiness of the tree, and its early ripening, as well as beauty of fruit, will commend it particularly to thousands of Northwestern fruit growers, in sections now destitute of apples. Additional testimony is also given by The Vermont Farmer adorsing its cultivation in northern cultivation. This variety will be found to be a desirable one to plant where the Early Harvest does not succeed well. In point of richness of flavor it is not quite equal, but we are sometimes obliged to accept some deficiency of character that we may have fruit at all. It begins to bear fruit at two and three years of age, and yields very large crops every year. It if a very handsome apple, of medium size, beautifully striped with red on a yellow ground and covered with a light bloom. The flesh is white and juicy, with a pleasant, slightly acid flavor. It makes a capital cooking apple. We strongly advise those who live in the colder parts of the State to give this apple a trial, believing that they will find it the best early ripening sort for their climate.

Ripe early in August.