The advantage of being able to take accurate impressions of plants without much labor need hot be pointed out to those who can appreciate what is useful. It is not brought forward as a substitution for dried specimens, where these can be obtained and attended to; but as being less cumbersome it deserves notice, as a means of refreshing the memory, in very many instances, in a manner equally satisfactory as when specimens are employed. It has, further than this, no claim to novelty, but simply to usefulness.

The materials required are few, and these not expensive. One pennyworth of lampblack and one pennyworth of sweet oil are all that will be required besides the paper. A large sheet of paper should be provided, and this should be prepared by rubbing it evenly all over with a piece of flannel moistened with the oil; this must be done thoroughly, and when the paper is well moistened, but not in a wet state with the oil, a small quantity of lampblack should be laid evenly over it, also using flannel for this part of the operation. If this preparation can be made a day before using the paper, it will be so much the better. The next process requires great care. Having the prepared sheet in readiness, place on it evenly and flatly the plant, flower, or leaf of which an impression is required; then place over this a dry sheet of paper, and with a handkerchief or cloth press firmly over every part, that it may equally and regularly receive the black preparation. The paper intended to receive the impression should now be in readiness, and the specimen must be carefully removed and placed on it, and great care must be taken that its position is not changed; this, too, must be again evenly and firmly pressed as before, and the impression will be complete, and must be laid carefully aside to become dry.

A specimen or two can be tried on a spare sheet, in order to ascertain whether the blackened sheet is in a proper state of preparation before it is attempted to take a very careful impression. This is particularly valuable in preserving sketches of the leaves of rare and valuable plants. - Gardener's Magazine.