Pig. 619.   Horizontal transverse section through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra.

Pig. 619. - Horizontal transverse section through the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra.

Fig. 620.   Oblique section of the upper part of thigh parallel to and just below Poupart's ligament.

Fig. 620. - Oblique section of the upper part of thigh parallel to and just below Poupart's ligament.

Fig. 621.   Transverse section of thigh high up through Scarpa's triangle.

Fig. 621. - Transverse section of thigh high up through Scarpa's triangle.

Fig. 622.   Section of thigh about at the apex of Scarpa's triangle.

Fig. 622. - Section of thigh about at the apex of Scarpa's triangle.

Fig. 623.   Section of thigh about the middle.

Fig. 623. - Section of thigh about the middle.

Fig. 624.   Section of thigh through its lower third.

Fig. 624. - Section of thigh through its lower third.

Fig. 625.   Transverse section through the patella.

Fig. 625. - Transverse section through the patella.

Fig. 626.   Section through upper third of leg.

Fig. 626. - Section through upper third of leg.

Fig. 627.   Transverse section through the middle of the leg.

Fig. 627. - Transverse section through the middle of the leg.

Fig. 628.   Transverse section through the lower third of the leg.

Fig. 628. - Transverse section through the lower third of the leg.

Fig. 629.   Transverse section through the ankle.

Fig. 629. - Transverse section through the ankle.

Fig. 630.   Anteroposterior section through the tibia and first metatarsal bone

Fig. 630. - Anteroposterior section through the tibia and first metatarsal bone.

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