MACERATION, An operation which consists in infusing, usually with heat, a solid substance,  so as to extract its virtues.

MAMMARY, Relating to the mammae, or female breasts.

MASTICATION, The act of chewing.

MATERIA MEDICA, The knowledge of medicines; the substances used as medicines.

MATURATION, The state of an abscess which has reached maturity.

MEDULLA, The base of the brain; marrow.

MENSES, The monthly flow.

MENSTRUAL, Pertaining to the menses.

MENSTRUUM, A solvent; a substance possessing the property of dissolving others.

METASTASIS, Changing from one place to another.

MICTURITION, Urination, discharge of urine.

MUCILAGINOUS, Having the character of mucilage; resembling gum.

MUCUS, The substance found at the surface of mucous membranes.

NARCOTIC, Substances which have the property of stupefying.

NASAL, Relating to the nose.

NAUSEA, Inclination to vomit; sickness of stomach.

NECROSIS, Death of a bone.

NEPHRITIC, Relating to the kidneys.

NERVINE, Relating to the nerves.

NEURINE, Relating to the nerves.

NODE, A hard concretion or incrustation gathering around the joints attacked with rheumatism  or gout.

NOSOLOGIST, One versed in nosology, or classification of diseases.

PABULUM, Food, aliment.

PAPILLA, An eminence resembling a nipple.

PARACENTESIS, The act of tapping to evacuate a fluid in a cavity, as in dropsy of the  abdomen.
PAROXYSM. A periodical exacerbation or fit of a disease.

PARTURIENT, Bringing forth young.

PARTURITION, Delivery, labor, child-birth.

PATHOLOGICAL, Relating to pathology.

PATHOLOGY, A branch of medicine whose object is the knowledge of disease.

PECTIN, A principle which forms the basis of vegetable jelly.

PECTORAL, Relating to the breast; a medicine that relieves or removes affections of the chest.

PELLICLE, A thin skin or membrane, a film.

PERISTALTIC, A motion consisting of alternate contraction and dilatation.

PERITONEUM, The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity.

PHAGEDENIC, Appearing as if it was gnawed.

PHARMACEUTIC, Relating to phartmacy.

PHARMACOPOEIA, A work containing the formlae for the preparation, etc., of medicines.

PHARMACY, The art which teaches the knowledge, choice, preservation, preparation, and  combination of medicines.

PHLEGMONOUS, Relating to inflammation which is confined to the areolar texture.

PHLYZACIOUS, Relating to tumors formed by the accumulation of a serous fluid under the  scarf-skin.

PHYSIOLOGY, The science which teaches the functions of organs or tissues.

PLETHORA, A superabundance of blood.

PNEUMOGASTRIC, Belonging to the lungs and stomach.

PORTAL CIRCULATION, The circulation of blood in the system of vessels in the kidneys and  liver.

PTYALISM, Profusse salivation.

PUERPERAL, Relating to child-birth and its consequences.

PULMONARY, Relating or belonging to the lungs.

PURULENT, Having the character of pus.

PUS, The secretion from inflamed textures.

PUSTULE, An elevation of the skin, having an inflamed base.

PYOGENIC, Having a relation to the formation of pus.