Lona. Stronger Solution of Ammonia.

This solution of ammonia is usually prepared in a large way by the manufacturing chymists; the greater part of that brought into the London market is made by Messrs. Howards. The materials, namely, hydrochlorate of ammonia and lime, are introduced into cast-iron pots, fitted with copper heads, which communicate with glass receivers containing water equal to the weight of the hydrochlorate employed. The gaseous ammonia which results from the decomposition of the hydrochlorate is absorbed by the water, whilst chloride of calcium and lime remain in the iron pot.

1 Burns on the Anat. of the Neck, p. 191. 3 Phimnacologia.

Qualities.-This solution of ammonia is colourless, most powerfully pungent, and possessing in an eminent degree all the properties of pure ammonia. At the sp. gr. 882, it contains about twenty-nine per cent. of real ammonia. It is strongly alkaline; boils at 130° Fahr. and forms a gelatinous mass when it is cooled down to 40° below zero. It should mix without becoming turbid with lime water; nor should a precipitate be thrown down by the solution of nitrate of silver.

Medical properties and uses.-This strong solution is never employed except to raise an immediate blister, which it effects in a few seconds, if a piece of calico or of bibulous paper moistened with it be applied to the skin. It is chiefly employed by the retail druggists for preparing the Liquor Ammonia of a strength equal to that of the Pharmacopoeia; for which purpose one fluid ounce of it is mixed with three fluid ounces of distilled water.