Treating Spermatorrhoea With Bromine (Bromum)

In irritation of the male genitals in plethoric subjects, with undue erections or excessive seminal losses, the bromides are often highly useful. They have a local anaesthetic effect when applied to the urethra, and when taken internally their value is evident rather in cases when sexual excitement is connected with local irritation and congestion, as haemorrhoids, ascarides, etc., than when there is mental or central causation. They tend to lessen, also, spinal congestion and reflex irritation. Berger finds, perhaps, the best results from camphor bromide in such cases (Medical Times, i., 1877, p. 264). When there is marked debility with anaemia, or when spermatorrhoea is unaccompanied by erections or sensations, bromides are not the best remedies.

Treating Spermatorrhoea With Acetic Acid (Acidum Aceticum)

Compresses soaked with vinegar and applied to the perineum at bed-time often cure this affection. Should soreness be produced, treatment must be omitted for a time.

Treating Spermatorrhoea With Silver (Argentum)

The treatment by local application of a strong solution to the prostatic urethra in the neighborhood of the openings of the seminal ducts was strongly commended by Lallemand, but his statements are exaggerated; it is useful sometimes, but should not be employed without due consideration: I have seen serious consequences follow it.

Treating Spermatorrhoea With Iron (Ferrum)

For seminal losses occurring in the young and debilitated, tincture of iron is of great use; it should be given in full doses twice daily, and preferably not at night; plenty of outdoor exercise should be conjoined with its use.