In The Threatening Of Apoplexy


Strychniae j

Acidi acetici..........  xx

Alcoholis............3 ij

Aquae..............3 vj

M. S. Ten drops thrice daily. To be combined with a rigid system of mental discipline, diet, etc. - Dr. Marshall Hall.

Atonic Apoplexy


℞ Spiritus aetheris compositi ................ ℥ ss S. Haif a teaspoonful diluted every hour. In state of unconsciousness give four drops of nitrite of amyl by inhalation.


(Suspended Animation.)

Asphyxia By Drowning

Enforce immediate measures to restore breathing, and after breathing is restored, promote warmth and circulation


Dr Marshall Hall's Method:

Resuscitation From Drowning


The patient after being rescued is stripped naked and rubbed with salt over the entire body, especial care being taken to rub the breast, joints and temples. - Cincinnati Medical News.

Relief By Catheterism


Take a stiff catheter, No. 8 or No. 10, with the right hand, and using the left index finger in position as a guide, pass the instrument into the larynx. Be sure that the eyes of the instrument are well beyond the vocal cords. The assistant now extends the patient's arms above the head, the operator at the same time blowing up the lungs through the catheter. The arms are next brought down, and expiration accomplished by compressing the chest and abdomen. A respiratory act is thus accomplished. The procedure is continued with regularity, so as to simulate, as nearly as possible, the normal respiratory interval. The insufflation through the catheter must be done gently.

- Dr. Wm. M. Polk.

In Asphyxia Of The New Born


Plunge the infant into hot water, all but the head. - Gatschkowsky.


Place the infant in a warm bath of about 1100 F., and while in the bath resort to artificial respiration. - Dr W. E. Forest.


℞ Amyl nitritis.......... ij

Place on a handkercnief and lay it over the child's face, continuing at the same time some method of artificial respiration.

- Dr. C. H. Humphreys.

Asthma Formulary Of Selected Remedies Prophylactic, Of Stomachic Origin


℞ Pilulae ij

S. Take at night, to be followed in the morning by half an ounce of Rochelle salts. Afterwards order.


℞ Liquoris potassii arsenitis....................3 j Tincturae gentianae composite ........ ℥ iij M. S. One dessertspoonful thrice daily.

- Napheys.

Prophylactics By The Metallic Nervines


℞ Ferri carbonatis.........3 j

Syrupi.............q. s.

M. Make 20 pills. S. One thrice daily.


℞ Zinci xxv

Syrupi.............q. s.

M. For 20 pills. S. One thrice daily.


℞ Argenti nitratis........ gr. iv

Confectionis rosae........q. s.

M. For 24 pills. S. One thrice daily.

- Von Niemeyer.


℞ Extracti x

For 20 pills. S. One every night.

- Dr. Hyde Salter.


℞ Potassii iodidi..........3 ij

Aquae destillatae.........℥ vi

M. S. One tablespoonful in a cup of milk twice a day. - Cazenave.