1Cupri Sulphas. Copper Sulphate. Dose, as an astringent, 1/4-2 grs.; 15 - 120 mgms.: as an emetic, 5 - 10 grs.; 3 - 6 dgms. CuSO4, 5H20. Blue crystals. Soluble 1 in 3.5 of water (giving an acid solution), very soluble in glycerin, insoluble in alcohol.

Incompatibles, alkaline hydrates and carbonates, ammonia, phosphates, arsenites, iodides, tannic acid, albumins; in the presence of alkalies arsenious acid, glucose and acacia.

CusparicB Cortex. Cusparia Bark. The dried bark of Cusparia febrifuga. Flattened or curved pieces or quills, 4 or 5 inches long, an inch wide and a twelfth thick; the outer layer grey or yellowish, easily removed exposing the inner layer which is hard and dark brown: odour musty; taste bitter.

Infusum Cuspariae. Dose, 1 - 2 fl. oz.; 30 - 60 c.c. - 5; boiling Water, 100.

Liquor Cuspariae Concentratus. Dose, 30 - 60 min.; 2 - 4 c.c. - 50; Alcohol 20% to 100; by percolation.

Cusso. Kousso. Dose, 1/4 -1/2 oz.; 7 - 14 gms. The dried panicles of pistolate flowers of Brayera anthelmintica. Usually in more or less cylindrical rolls, 1-2 feet long, composed of reddish panicles of numerous small flowers: odour not marked; taste bitter and acrid.

Decocta (see Aloe, Grenatum, Haematoxylum). Dose, 1/2 - 2 fl. oz.; 15 - 30 c.c.