Dr. John. Monroe, of Long Island University, during sixteen years of experiment and investigation, subjected five thousand school children to tests at various periods of their lives, and followed seven hundred of these through college and into business. He sums up the result of his work in these words: "Intelligence is not constant, nor is it entirely hereditary. Much of the present shortage in intelligence may be alleviated when it is recognized that the physical and chemical surroundings of the germ plasm prior to birth may hopelessly condition that plasm into idiocy after birth; that the expectant mother probably does require food and health care for the developing embryo in order to produce children of high intelligence; that the vicious food conditions, the sanitation and hygiene, the brutality of many homes appear to be the conditioners of moronity and border-line dullness; and rapidly developing intelligence must be stimulated on all levels incessantly if it is to come to full development."

In Vol. 5, of this series, this subject will be dealt with at greater length. Mother's nutrition conditions to a greater extent than has ever been suspected, the future intelligence of her child.