Children differ from adults in more than size and strength. They are themselves still being physically formed. They are not simply growing larger but some parts of them are also being made. Teeth, for instance, develop after birth. In infancy the digestive agencies are not those of adult life. A child under nine months lacks ptyalin (a digestive ferment), which aids in digesting starch, so should not be fed starch. The child-body is more largely water than that of the adult. This is one reason why it has less resistance to infectious diseases. Proper nourishment increases physical resistance.

Development of unformed parts of the child-body, growth of all the body, need of learning to live and gradually to eat the foods usual for humanity, are some of the physical occupations of childhood. Exercise of muscle, sleep, mental work in exploring and understanding the environment, also affect the functioning of the body and its food-need as the child grows.

Effect of food is more immediate in childhood than it always is later. When undernourished, children are not well nor well-grown. Science finds child-health depends more upon food than was realized earlier. The food-habits formed are scarcely less important than the foods eaten. To make health for children they must be fed according to their need.

Quantities Of Food For Children (Weight As Purchased)

Amount Daily

Child .... 2 yrs.

I lb.

3 lb.

15-16 yrs.....Boy

Child .... 2-5 yrs.

1 1/3 lb.

2 2/3 lb.

15-16 yrs.....Girl

Child .... 6-9 yrs.

1 2/3 lb.

2 2/3 lb.

13-14 yrs.....Boy

Girl. . . . 10-12 yrs.

2 lb.

2 1/3 lb.

13-14 yrs.....Girl

Boy .... 10-11 yrs.

2 lb.

2 1/3 lb.

At 12 yrs.....Boy

With much outdoor life such as all children should have, these quantities may be increased. Exercise and air aid in full use of food by the body.