Gyna Nthropos

(Form Gyna Nthropos 4000 a woman, and a man). That species of hermaphrodite which partakes more of the female than of the male, opposed to that which partakes most of the male, called andro-gynus. These distinctions are groundless; for hermaphrodites are generally women.

Gyneca Nthe

(From Gyneca Nthe 4002 a woman, and

Gyneca Nthe 4004 a thorn; supposed to be the female briony, and also prickly). See Brionia nigra.


(From Gypsophyton 4005 . lime, and a herb; because it was supposed a lithontriptic). See

PlMpinella Alba Germasorum.


The name of a Virginian root which resembles a parsnip, and is a sulutary food.


A bridle. The name of a bandage, for the purpose of keeping the lips of wounds together.


De Carthagena. See Bejuio.


(From habeo, to possess) . Habit. See


Habitus plantae . The habit of a plant; its outward general appearance.


A species of carduus, the young shoots of which are eaten by the Indians, but the roots are emetic. Gundelia Tournefortii Lin. Sp. Pl . 1315, of which there are two varieties: the first grows in America, and the second in Syria. It is classed by Jussieu with the cynarocephali, and has the leaf of a carduus, the habit and juice of a scolymus, and the head of an eryngium.


(From Haema 4007 to be hot; from its heat). See



(From Haemagogos 4008 blood, and to bring away ). The name of an antidote in Nicolaus Myrepsus, which was used for promoting the menstrual and haemorrhoidal discharges.


(From Haemalopia 4010 blood, and to see ). A variety of the pseudoblepsis imaginaria, in which every thing seems of a red colour.


(From Haemalops 4012 blood and the countenance). The livid marks of sugillations in the face and eyes.


(From Haemataporia 4014 blood, and to put away). A wasting from poverty of blood.


(From Haematemesis 4016 blood, and to vomit) . See Vomitus.