Drapery For Toilet-Stand

On the opposite page we give an illustration showing how the commonest and plainest bed-room may be rendered beautiful and attractive by the aid of a little taste and cheap material. The toilet-stand may be a cheap table, with a shelf erected on the top for toilet articles, and a bracket higher up for perfume articles, etc.

Oil-cloth of any desired color may cover the table, cut in any shape to suit the fancy, the edges being bound with braid to correspond. The shelves and brackets may be covered to correspond with the table, and the whole draped with muslin or other material, edged with lace, or trimmed to suit the taste, or in harmony with the other adornments of the room.

Shelves may be made under the table, and a curtain of coarser material suspended from its edges conceals them. These shelves may be used for shoes, slippers, etc.

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