Except for use with extremely large and weighty curtains the bulky wooden pole - from which it seems so difficult to divorce the general public - is unnecessary and therefore objectionable. Those interested in art continually have cause to exclaim: "When witt people learn to employ means proportionate to the ends desired!"

A simple brass rod (with the appropriate end-fixtures) purchasable at any first-class hardware-shop or dealer in upholsterers' supplies) is sufficiently strong for almost all domestic uses. If such a rod has to extend over a wide space, such as double or triple windows or a double doorway, a screw hook at the centre will support it and prevent sagging.

Where there is a valance this naturally hides the rod and rings. If there is none a heading can be arranged in the case of opaque curtains and the rings fastened on at its lower edge at the back so that the heading projects above the rod and hides it. Thin curtains are often run on the rod with a heading above (Plate 83 A). But - Why worry! The sight of rod and rings seems to disturb some writers, but things of this kind are precisely on a par with the iron tie-rods frankly run across below the arched ceilings of magnificent Italian interiors (Plate 18). Our refinement may sometimes grow too fussy.