These cocks take their name from their inventer. They are made to suit every condition for which water cocks are used. Their universal use attests to their utility and excellence in service. Fig. 72 shows the principle on which all Fuller cocks work. The varying conditions under which the cocks are used require a great many forms, but the working principle is the same in all. In these cocks, the valve' is a rubber plug or ball that is drawn into the opening by an eccentric piece attached to the handle. The piece D in the drawing is the rubber plug that is drawn against the opening by the crank B, which is worked by the lever handle A. This cock may be repaired, in case it leaks, by unscrewing it at the joint nearest the plug. A wrench and a pair of pliers are all the tools required. The pieces D must be obtained from the dealer. The part J is the packing that keeps the water from leaking out around the stem. The screw-cap H forces a collar I down on the packing to keep it water-tight.

Fuller Cocks 76Fuller Cocks 77Fuller Cocks 78Fig. 73.   Repairs for Fuller cocks.

Fig. 73. - Repairs for Fuller cocks.

The parts for the Fuller cock that may be obtained for repair are shown in detail on Fig. 73. The ball, which appears in Fig. 73 at D, is the part that receives the greatest, amount of wear. If the cock at any time fails to stop the flow of water, a new ball may be put in place by the aid of a wrench and a pair of pliers. The water being first shut off from the system, the cock is unscrewed and the cap E removed with a pair of pliers. The worn ball is then removed and a new one substituted.

Wash-Tray Bibbs

A special style of cock is made for laundry wash trays in both the Fuller and compression types. Of these the Fuller type is the most convenient as the handle is placed on the side and but one movement is required to open the cock. This style of cock is used on the wash trays shown in Fig. 83.