Desire is the great inciting power of the mind. Desire is "that which incites to action." And you always act upon the strongest desire - subject always to the restraining influence of the reason, and the restricting or impelling influence of the will. I will tell you more about this wonderful thing, the will, in a moment or two, but let us now think of desire, for that is the real emotive-power.*

Desire originates in the sub-conscious regions of the mind, and often we can feel her there, before she emerges into consciousness, stirring us up with feelings of vague discontent and unrest. After a bit, gathering enough force, she emerges into the conscious field, and then begins to demand expression. Now remember, that when I say desire, I mean all kinds of desire, high and low. Many people think of desire as only the craving of a low nature, but desire really means a feeling that wants something - and that something may be the very highest aspiration of the human mind.

Now, this desire in all of its manifestations has a mighty power of attraction and influence. It manifests as the Law of Mentative Attraction which is constantly drawing toward us the things we desire, and also drawing us toward them. Not only is this true on the conscious plane, but even on the subconscious, Our desires constitute our nature, and our nature is always operating the mighty power of Mentative Attraction.

The trouble with the most of us is that we allow our Desire-Force to be scattered, and diffused, thereby lessening its attractive power. It is only when we learn the secret of concentration and focusing the Desire-Force by the will that we are able to get results above the average. The will is the director and controller of the Desire-Force, and upon its training and management depends the powerful use of the latter.

Desire-Force not only has its effect upon the person, and others near him, but it may be, and often is, sent for thousands of miles where it affects and influences others, in ways. Desire-Force is the mighty force which makes many of the phases of Mind-Power possible. It spreads out from the mind of the person affecting and influencing others even at other parts of the world, if concentrated and directed by the will. It is a force beside which the X-ray and electricity fade into insignificance. It moves not merely blind, lifeless things, but the living minds, thoughts, emotions, passions and actions of men. It is the force that rules the world, and its destinies. Like any other great natural force it is capable of being used for good or evil. It is neither good nor evil - it is either or both, according to the mind in which it originates, What phase of mental effort is more apt to be a motive-force - the cold, lifeless thought about an abstract metaphysical proposition, or a mathematical problem, on the one hand; and a warm vital wave of "feeling," emotion or passion, such as love, hate, ambition, aspiration, courage and desire on the other? And remember that these last mentioned all belong to the "feeling" side of the mind, and all are manifestations of elementary desire.

Desire is at the bottom of all feeling. Before we can love or hate, there must be desire. Before we can have ambition or aspiration there must be desire. Before we can manifest courage and energy there must be desire. Desire for something must underlie all life action - desire conscious or subconscious. Abstract thought is a cold, bare thing, lacking vitality and warmth - desire is filled with life, throbbing, longing, wanting, craving, insisting, and ever pressing outward toward action. Desire indeed is the phase of our mental action that is a motive-force.

And not only does desire incite us to action-move us to accomplish its ends, but it also, when sufficiently strong, surges out from our minds in great waves and clouds of invisible and subtle energy or force, and travels here and there toward the object of its inner urge - affecting, attracting, drawing, forcing the desired thing into submission to its cravings and demand. In the presence of some strong man or woman - that is, in the presence of one whose desire burns fiercely and strongly, and whose will has learned to concentrate the Desire-Force - one may actually feel the impact of the elementary principle of mind as it vibrates in great waves from the brain and nervous system of such a one. Who has not met people who actually seemed to be living desire and will?

The source of Desire-Force exists in every person, and it may be developed to a wonderful degree. The desires of many of you - of the majority of the race, in fact - never get further than the faint, "want to" stage. These people "wish" for things in a faint, pink-tea way. They never want a thing hard enough to stir their Desire-Force into action and make the thing come to them, or else make it take them to the thing. The majority of people do not know how to desire. They do not know what it is to be filled with that intense, eager, longing, craving, ravenous desire that fills them with a new and mighty force, and makes them demand things in-stead of merely asking for them. They are 1ike sheep, pigeons, or rabbits, and sit meekly around while the strong ones of the race - the ones filled with masterful desire - walk around and pick up every good thing in sight. And it serves them right too, for they are not exercising the force which Na-ture has given them for the purpose of self-pro-tection and use. They have had the elementary vigor and virility bleached out of them by the "re-rinements" of one phase of civilization, and have nearly lost all that goes to make up manly men, and natural women. They have become beggars - men-dicants of nature, instead of masters of her.

The forces of Nature are at the disposal of the man of vigor and determination and desire. Such a one has but to knock at the door of attainment and have it opened to him. Instead of doing this, the majority of us sit around the doorsteps whining that the door shall be opened to us. In the name of Hu-man Power, friends, get up, and fill yourself with powerful desire, then march up to the door and smite it fiercely with your mailed fist, demanding masterfully, "Open for me, the Master!" And, 1ot it will fly open at your call.