Charles De Marguetel De Saint-Denis Saint-Evremond, seigneur de, a French author, born near Coutances, April 1, 1613, died in London, Sept. 20, 1703. He early acquired military and social distinction, but gave offence to Ma-zarin while holding a high command in which he amassed a fortune, and was imprisoned for three months in the Bastile. In 1661 he was banished for disparaging the treaty of the Pyrenees. In London, where he passed the rest of his life, he became an oracle in fashionable and political society, and Charles II. gave him a pension of £300. His principal works are: Comédie des académistes (1650); Réflexions sur les divers génies du peuple ro-main (1664); Jugements et observations sur Sénèque, Plutarque, etc.; and minor essays and dissertations on ancient and modern tragedy and ancient poetry. The first authentic edition of his works was partly prepared by himself and Des Maizeaux, and finished by the latter in conjunction with Silvestre (3 vols., London, 1705, with an English translation and biographical notice). A select edition was published in 1804 by Desessarts.