Neuroptera (Gr. vevpov, nerve, and Trrepdv, wing), an order of insects characterized by powerful jaws, four reticulated, membranous, naked wings, and the absence of sting or piercer. They include the dragon and May Hies, ant lion, white ant, and similar preda-ceous insects, which undergo a complete or partial metamorphosis. The larvae are six-legged, voracious and carnivorous, living in the water, on trees, or in the ground. Only the white ants and the wood ticks are injurious to vegetation; the others are rather beneficial to man by devouring aquatic and flying insects, plant lice, and similar pests. They are generally of elegant proportions, often prettily marked, and possess great powers of flight. Kirby separated the May or caddis flies (phry-ganeadce), and formed of them his order tri-choptera. It is commonly believed that the ravages of white ants and their congeners are confined to tropical regions and to dead or decaying vegetation; but a few years ago a white ant, allied to the genus termes, was discovered at Salem, Mass., making its mines and galleries, destroying with its colonies the roots of grape vines in greenhouses, and making chambers even in the living wood.