Ladies should wear neat traveling dresses of suitable material and simple style, display as little jewelry as possible, and carry the smallest amount of baggage by hand. It is important to have the initials or full name on all trunks.

Never attract attention by loud talking or laughing, and, if under the escort of a gentleman, do not annoy him with needless requests. Always repay a gentleman any traveling expenses, no matter how trivial.

A lady when traveling alone, should, if possible, arrange to be met at the station by some friend. In arriving at a station in a large city where she is a stranger, she should avoid taking a hack, choosing instead horse-cars, or the stages plying between stations.

While always acknowledging with thanks any courtesy offered, young ladies should avoid entering into unnecessary conversation with or accepting favors from men who are strangers.

Older ladies are privileged to offer advice or assistance, should occasion require, to young ladies traveling alone.

It is courteous for a gentleman to offer to buy tickets, and check the baggage of a lady who is traveling under his care; but he should first take her to the ladies' waiting-room, not leave her standing on a crowded platform. He may also offer to get her refreshments, newspapers, or books, and—if the journey is a long one—invite her to walk up and down the platform at the stations. If, by any accident, the friends expected fail to meet a lady at the station, the gentleman escorting her should, if possible, go with her to her destination.

A gentleman may offer to help a lady, even if she is a stranger, whenever she seems really in need of aid. For instance, if she is laden with many parcels, or has several children with her who must be transferred from boat to car, or station to station.

Two gentlemen, strangers to each other, may talk together if agreeable to both; but it is wise to discuss only general topics.

Gentlemen may offer to open or shut a window for ladies; but should never presume upon a chance civility thus extended, by attempting to use it as a means of entering into conversation with them. While not regarded by all persons as obligatory, it is always courteous for a gentleman to offer his seat to a lady who is standing in any public conveyance.

No gentleman should smoke in cars or other places when ladies are present, spit on the floors in cars or stations, be disobliging in a smoking-car by refusing to change his seat to accommodate a party who may desire to play some game, or accept a light, or any trifling civility, from a fellow passenger, without any expression of thanks.

Before entering boat, train, or car, give the passengers who are in the act of leaving time to get off. Before taking a seat just vacated wait a sufficient time to see if its former occupant intends to return.

It is ill-bred to complain about the trivial discomforts that fall to every traveler's lot, and make uncomplimentary comparisons between one's own home and the place where one happens to be.

Never occupy more than one seat in crowded conveyances, and if you have placed a parcel on a empty seat, cheerfully remove it whenever it is needed. Do not take the seat beside any person in a steam-car without asking if it is engaged.

Never incommode fellow-travelers by opening a window which forces them to sit in a draught--it may be an affair of life and death to delicate persons.