This play must get away rapidly and keep going. It should not be attempted on a wet field. Center blocks to left. Left Guard goes through. Right Guard blocks to left. Left Tackle leads the interference. Right Tackle blocks to left. Left End must hurry. Right End boxes tackle.

Quarter Back passes ball and goes ahead in the interference. Left Half Back blocks opposing end. Right Half Back goes through and joins runner. Full Back follows left tackle in the interference.

Tackle Back Square   Quarter Back Run.

Tackle Back Square - Quarter Back Run.

Like all plays that strike wide from the center, this play must be executed rapidly. Center blocks to left.

Left Guard goes through and joins runner. Right Guard blocks to left. Left Tackle heads the interference. Right Tackle blocks to left. Left End follows and protects runner. Right End boxes opposing tackle. Quarter Back must go fast. Left Half Back blocks opposing end.

Right Half Back aids the runner by coming around for interference. Full Back follows the left tackle in the interference.

Tackle Back Square   Delayed Pass.

Tackle Back Square - Delayed Pass.

The success of this play will depend largely on the concealment of the ball by the quarter back and the way the right end carries out his part. Center blocks to left. Left Guard blocks to left. Right Guard blocks to left.

Left Tackle leads the feint attack around the left. Right Tackle blocks to left.

Left End goes through and blocks defensive full back. Right End comes around and appears to take the ball from quarter back for run around left end. Quarter Back makes a bluff at passing ball to right end, holds it concealed a moment and then passes to left half back. Left Half Back waits for ball and then goes through right side. Right Half Back blocks to left.

Full Back interferes for right half back.

Tackle Straight Back Formation.

Tackle Straight Back Formation.

Photo by Lyndon.

Tackle Straight Back Formation   Left Tackle Cross Buck.

Tackle Straight Back Formation - Left Tackle Cross-Buck.

This play strikes on the strong side. The men should take their positions in the formation as they line up; not go to the regular formation and then shift. Should be played quickly after the men are in position. Center blocks to the left.

Left Guard breaks through and assists runner. Right Guard blocks to the left. Left Tackle takes the ball. Right Tackle blocks to the left. Left End follows and assists from behind. Right End blocks opposing tackle out. Quarter Back carries the runner forward from the inside. Left Half Back follows the runner and pushes from behind. Right Half Back assists right end in blocking opposing tackle out. Full Back assists runner on right hip.

Tackle Straight Back Formation   Delayed Pass.

Tackle Straight Back Formation - Delayed Pass.

The success of this play will depend largely on the deception used by the right end and the quarter back.

Center blocks to the left.

Left Guard blocks to the left and breaks through.

Right Guard blocks to the left.

Left Tackle follows left half back in a feint on the left side.

Right Tackle blocks to the left.

Left End goes through to block opposing full back.

Right End comes around quickly and makes a bluff at taking the ball, and continues on as if he had it.

Quarter Back appears to pass the ball to right end, conceals it for a moment and then passes it to right half back, getting into the interference for the right half back if possible.

Left Half Back blocks opposing half back.

Right Half Back hesitates until quarter is ready to pass him the ball and then takes the ball and goes through the right side.

Full Back follows left half back and left tackle in the feint attack on left side.

Tackle Straight Back Formation   Quarter Back Run.

Tackle Straight Back Formation - Quarter Back Run.

This play should meet with success if the opponents are shifting to meet the tackle-back formations and the play is executed rapidly.

Center blocks to the left.

Left Guard goes through, blocks opposing half back and joins the runner.

Right Guard blocks to the left.

Left Tackle follows the right half back around in the interference.

Right Tackle blocks to the left.

Left End follows the runner.

Right End blocks opposing tackle.

Quarter Back is the runner on a direct pass.

Left Half Back blocks off anyone attempting to follow.

Right Half Back leads the interference and blocks defensive back.

Full Back blocks opposing end.

Direct Pass Formation.   Ball passed directly to half buck or to any other runner. Photo by Lyndon.

Direct Pass Formation. - Ball passed directly to half buck or to any other runner. Photo by Lyndon.

Direct Pass Formation   Right Half Back Run Around Left End.

Direct Pass Formation - Right Half Back Run Around Left End.