Alder (Alnus glutinosa) is from a tree found in both Europe and Asia, generally near swamps or the low banks of rivers.


The wood is white when first cut, then becomes deep red on the surface, and eventually fades to reddish yellow of different shades. The roots and knots are beautifully veined.


Very durable in water when wholly submerged, but when used above ground must be kept perfectly dry. Is soft, light, uniform in texture, with a smooth fine grain, and very easily worked. It is wanting in tenacity, and shrinks considerably.


The wood is useful for piles, pumps, patterns, sides of stone carts, packing cases, etc.; also used for wooden bowls, turnery, and furniture. The roots and heart are used for cabinet work. The bark is valuable to tanners, and charcoal from the wood is used for making gunpowder.