31. Gold Stock Solution

Gold Stock Solution. In a bottle of convenient size, place the contents of a 15-grain tube of gold chloride; add to this 15 drams of water. Neutralize this gold solution by adding a little fine ground chalk. This will be your gold stock solution, each dram of this solution containing one grain of gold.

32. Acetate Gold Toning Bath

Acetate Gold Toning Bath. The following bath will be found a very simple and reliable one and will give uniform results; the tone generally produced with it is a brownish purple:

Sidium Acetate.............................

75 grs.

Gold chloride solution....................

3 drs.


30 ozs.

33. This bath may be used repeatedly; although it is advisable, when using a second time, to use half new and half old. The temperature of the toning bath should be about 65° Fahr.

34. Sodium Carbonate Toning Bath

Sodium Carbonate Toning Bath. Another good bath for a dark brown color is the following:

Sodium Carbonate............................



Gold Chloride Solution.......................






This bath must be made fresh for each toning and should be prepared about one hour before using.

35. Chloride Of Lime Bath

Chloride Of Lime Bath. For a purplish black tone prepare the following:

Chloride of Lime......................................



Gold Chloride Solution........................






To this must be added a tablespoonful of chalk. This will neutralize it.

36. If you will heat your water when preparing this bath it can be used as soon as cold. If, however, made up with cold water, it should be allowed to stand for one hour. This bath may be used repeatedly until exhausted, but from time to time a little gold and chloride of lime must be added.

37. Phosphate Toning Bath

Phosphate Toning Bath. For warm purple tones we would recommend the following bath:

Gold Chloride Solution.............................



Sodium Phospate............................






38. This bath must be used as soon after preparation as possible, as it will not keep and can only be used for one toning.

39. Toning The Prints

Toning The Prints. Place only a few prints in the bath at the start; constantly spray them and watch the toning. If the prints tone very slowly, requiring more than 10 minutes, strengthen the bath by adding gold, neutralizing in relative proportions. If the prints tone too rapidly, dilute with water. When the bath is working smoothly, then a larger number of prints may be toned at the same time. As fast as the prints are toned, place them in a large tray of water to which a pinch of salt has been added. The salt will set the tone and prevent bleaching. After prints are toned give them one change of fresh water and fix them for about fifteen minutes in a plain hypo bath-hydrometer test 18°. Wash and mount in the usual manner.