I am sending you to-day by Express charges prepaid................ Mail prints. Please enter in your Kodak Advertising Competition, Class................

Yours truly,


Address ...........................

*Entries from Canada should be sent to Canadian Kodak Co., Toronto, Canada.

11 The name and address of the competitor must be legibly written on a paper and enclosed in a sealed envelope in the same package in which the prints are forwarded. There is to be no writing on prints or mounts.

12 We will promptly acknowledge the receipt of pictures, and when awards are made, will send each competitor a list of prize winners.

13 Only recognized professional photographers conducting a studio will be allowed to compete in Class "A." Class "B" is open to all photographers not in above classification.

14 This contest will close October 1st, 1911, at Rochester, N. Y., and September 20th at Toronto, Canada.

The Prizes

Grand Prize Class

Open only to professional photographers who have won prizes in professional class in previous Kodak Advertising Contests. Negatives, 5 x 7 or larger.

Grand Prize, $500.00

Class A. Professional Photographers Only*

Negatives, 5 x 7 or larger.

First Prize....




Third Prize....


Fourth Prize.....


Fifth Prize....


Class B. Amateurs Only

Negatives, 4 x 5 or 3 1/4 x 5 1/2 or larger.

First Prize....




Third Prize....


Fourth Prize.....


Fifth Prize.....


*Winners in 1907 and in Class A, 1908, 1909 and 1910, are not eligible.


First of all, it should be remembered that these prizes are not offered for the sake of obtaining sample prints or negatives made with our goods. Merely pretty pictures, merely artistic pictures will not be considered. The pictures must in some way connect up with the Kodak idea - must show the pleasure that is to be derived from picture taking, or the simplicity of the Kodak system, or suggest the excellence of Kodak goods. Must, in short, help to sell Kodak goods, by illustration of some one of the many points in their favor.

The jury will be instructed to award the prizes to those contestants whose pictures, all things considered, are best adapted to use in Kodak (or Brownie Camera) advertising.

As reproductions of the pictures will often be in small sizes, too much detail should not be introduced.

Pictures for reproduction should be snappy - vigorous, for they lose much by the half-tone process.

Where apparatus is introduced, it must be up to date. If you haven't the goods you can borrow.

It is highly probable that we shall want to secure some negatives aside from the prize winners. In such cases special arrangements will be made.

If you are interested, let us send you a copy of the Souvenir of 1910 contest, which gives an idea of the kinds of pictures that we consider valuable from an advertising standpoint.

The Judges

The jury of award will consist of photographers and of advertising men who are fully competent to pass upon the work submitted. Full attention will be paid therefore to the artistic and technical merit of the work as well as to its strength from an advertising standpoint. Announcement of the names of the judges will be made later.

Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y.

By attending the three day session of the Eastman School of Professional Photography when it comes your way you will be enabled to put to practical use in the studio many of the valuable ideas you will absorb. Ideas properly used yield dollars.

January. Our Illustrations

This month we take pleasure in reproducing the portraits of the officers of the P. A. of A. for 1911 - the men who have in charge the arrangement of the National Convention at St. Paul - the star attraction of the year.

All are men of experience in convention work and the P. A. of A. is thus assured of a well arranged, instructive and interesting meet on the dates set for St. Paul.

The cover illustration, which is also reproduced from a print on Artura Iris, is furnished by the "De Luxe" Studio of Denver, and the samples of work in both black and sepia tone done on Iris in this establishment prove it capable of producing a high class of portraiture.

Quality in photographic prints follows the use of Iris.