An agricultural implement, used for raking and levelling the earth. There are two principal distinctions; namely, the common, and the jointed chain harrow. The common harrow is usually made by framing together a number of stout parallel bars, by means of the like number of similar bars, equidistant, and crossing the others at right angles, thus leaving uniform square spaces between them. To strengthen this frame, a bar is fixed diagonally across them. The spikes or tangs, which are made from four to twelve inches in length, (according to the nature of the soil, or work to be performed,) are fixed to this frame either by nuts and screws, or by rivet-ting them down upon iron washers, after passing them through the wood. The frame of course lies flatways upon the ground, with the tangs to the ground, and it is drawn across the field by cattle yoked to a chain fastened to one corner of the harrow. The chain or screw harrow is made to divide diagonally into two parts, thus forming, as it were, two triangular harrows, which are hooked and chained together.

This contrivance adapts itself better to the ridges and other inequalities of the ground.

Sometimes, in lieu of this, two common harrows are chained together, and applied to effect the same object.