Directions for canning fruit by the cold-pack method. *

(1) Select well-grown, firm, and not overripe fruit; (2) if possible, can fruit on the day that it is picked; (3) wash, pare, or otherwise prepare the fruit, removing all bruised or decayed parts; (4) if there is much variation in size, grade the fruit so that the contents of each jar will be as nearly uniform as possible; (5) if food is to be blanched, blanch or scald in boiling water a small quantity at a time (page 606), the number of minutes required for blanching being given in Table LIII; do not blanch cherries, . berries, or plums; (6) if blanched food is to be cooled, chill the outside of the blanched fruit by immersing it for a brief period in a large vessel of cold water (page 607), and do not attempt to cool the fruit thoroughly by this cold dip; (7) pack the fruit firmly in clean, tested jars to within 1/2 inch of the top; (8) fill the jars to within 1/4 inch of the top with boiling sirup or hot water (see directions for preparing sirups on page 607); (9) place a new rubber on each jar, adjust the cover of the jar, and partly seal it, and if using the hot-water bath, warm the cover before adjusting it; (10) sterilize the jars for the required length of time (Table LIII); if the hot-water bath is used, immerse the jars in sufficient boiling water to cover the tops to the depth of about 1 inch, and do not begin to time the sterilizing until the water boils over the jars; keep the water boiling during the sterilizing period; (11) remove the jars from the sterilizer, seal them, and invert them to cool, avoiding a draft on the jars, but cooling them as rapidly as possible; (12) wash the jars thoroughly, label them, and set them away, storing red fruits in a dark place to prevent loss of color.

*The open-kettle method is preferred by many persons for canning fruits, especially strawberries, pineapples, and quinces.

Skins of peaches, plums, and pears may be removed by the following method. Bring 2 gallons of water to the boiling point. Add to it 1 pound of concentrated lye. Lower the fruit into the boiling solution in a wire basket or a thin cloth. Let it remain for from 20 to 30 seconds. Remove the fruit quickly, and immerse it in cold water. Then wash the peeling from the fruit.