Peel and boil until soft six good sized potatoes. Drain and mash them, add two small onions grated, two cups of white sauce well seasoned with salt and paprika, and four cups of scalded milk. Let soup boil up once. One cup of cream and two teaspoonfuls of chopped parsley may be added. This recipe makes eight plates of soup. - Mrs. T. J. Ramsdell, Manistee, Mich.

Potato Soup

Pare and boil two pounds of potatoes in the ordinary way. Peel and shred finely two good-sized onions, and simmer slowly in a little water. When the potatoes and onions are cooked rub them through a sieve, and mix smoothly with milk to the consistency of cream, adding two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter; pepper and salt to taste. Place a scrupulously clean saucepan on the fire, with two quarts of milk. Bring it to a boil, stir in the potatoes slowly and smoothly, allowing it to boil for fifteen or twenty minutes. If flavoring is liked, a little finely chopped parsley or mint may be added a few minutes before serving. This is an economical and nutritious soup for children. - Contributed.

Cream Potato Soup

Put in double boiler and simmer, two quarts rich sweet milk, one tablespoonful butter, one good sized onion sliced, three or four slices salt pork. Fifteen minutes before serving, skim out the pork and onion. Add six tablespoonfuls mashed and seasoned potatoes. Serve individually with chopped parsley on top of each plate. - Mrs. Dermont, Williams, Ariz.

Cream Of Potato Soup

Cook three potatoes, rub through strainer, scald one quart milk with two slices onion, remove onion, add milk to potatoes. Cream three tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, a little pepper, one-fourth teaspoon celery salt, one and one-half teaspoons salt, chopped parsley and cayenne; add to soup, cook fifteen minutes. - Boston Cooking School.