Delicious Sauce For Cottage Pudding

Mrs. Joseph H. Holt

1 pint of brown sugar, Lump of butter size of an egg, Yolk of 1 egg.

Cream the butter, sugar, and egg together. Mix with cream and bring to a boil. Season with whisky.

Foaming Sauce

V. C. G

1 cup of powdered sugar,

2 tablespoons of butter,

1 glass of wine. Stir to a cream and add wineglass of wine gradually, and beat it hard till very light. Set the bowl over a teakettle of hot water till melted. Do not stir it.

Hard Sauce

1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup of butter.

Cream together and flavor with lemon, wine, or brandy.

Hard Sauce For Plum Pudding

Cream a cup of butter and work into it 2 cups of powdered sugar. Season with 2 tablespoons French brandy and a scant teaspoon of vanilla. Beat the white of an egg and stir into it. Set on ice and serve with the hot pudding. Some prefer a mixture of whisky and rum to the brandy.

Lemon Sauce

1 pint sugar,

1 tablespoon butter.

Pour over 1/2 pint hot water. Add the juice of 1 lemon. Let it boil, and add 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Strain and serve hot.

Sauce For Blue Grass Pudding

1/4 pound butter, 2 cups of sugar, 2 eggs.

Mix and cook in saucepan with boiling water. Stir till it begins to thicken. When ready to serve, stir in 1 glass of brandy or whisky.

Sauce For Cabinet Pudding

E. D. P

Cream 1 tablespoon of butter into 1/2 pound of sugar. Add

Well-beaten yolks of 4 eggs, Juice of 1 lemon, and A little of the rind grated, With cinnamon to taste, 1/2 teacup of wine.

Cook all together in a saucepan placed in hot water. Stir well while boiling, till thick as custard. Serve hot with pudding.

Sauce For Cakes And Puddings

Mrs. Henry C. Buckner

1 pint of brown caramel sugar, Butter size of an egg, Yolk of 1 egg, 1/2 pint of cream.

Cream butter, sugar, and egg, and add cream and boil till thick. Season with whisky or wine, if preferred.

4 ounces of butter, 6 ounces of sugar, 1 glass of wine, White of 1 egg.

Beat the butter and sugar till very white; add the whipped egg; then the wine; nutmeg on the too.

Sauce (Lady Lee Pudding)

V. C. G

1 cup of white pulverized sugar, 1/2 cup of butter,

1 egg,

1 wineglass of Madeira wine.

Beat all together and set in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 hours.

Just before serving, set over teakettle of boiling water, but be careful not to stir it again.

Very Fine Sauce For Plum Pudding

1 cup of cream,

1 cup of powdered sugar,

1 egg,

Whisky to taste.

Cream the butter till light; add the sugar; then break an egg over it and mix thoroughly. Put the sauce in a bowl and set in hot water. Stir till it melts and add the whisky and serve.