All fruit juices make refreshing drinks and punches. The fruit syrups may be made and some kinds can be purchased ready for use. The best lemonade is made from prepared syrup in the proportion of two cups each of water and sugar and a thin shaving of lemon peel boiled for about ten minutes, removing any scum which may gather on the surface; cool and add the juice of six to eight lemons. Allow two tablespoons of the lemon syrup for each glass of water.

Partially fill each glass with shaved or crushed ice before pouring in the lemonade. If one does not possess an ice shaver have a small, stout canvas bag and pound the ice to the consistency of snow. This insures the mixture cooling at once and adds greatly to the attractiveness of the drink. This only applies to cool drinks served in tall glasses, and not those served from a punch bowl.

Chocolate syrup is made by taking 1/2 cup of ground chocolate, two cups of sugar and one cup boiling water. Mix and boil about 5 minutes. Cool, add 1 teaspoon vanilla and store in a tightly covered jar or bottle. For iced chocolate use 1 tablespoon syrup to 3/4cup of milk; pour over shaved or pounded ice and put a tablespoon whipped cream on top.

A chocolate eggnog is particularly refreshing and nourishing as well, and can be given to both old and young. Beat 1 egg white very stiff, then add gradually, while constantly beating, 1 tablespoon ground chocolate and a few grains of salt; take out about 1/3 of this mixture, and to remaining portion add gradually 1 cup cold milk, constantly beating. Put the remainder of the mixture on top and serve.

Coffee syrup is useful to have on hand also. Make 1 pint of strong coffee; strain, add 2 cups sugar and boil about 5 minutes. Cool and store in a bottle or tightly covered jar. Use 2 tablespoons of the coffee syrup to 3/4 cup milk, pour over shaved ice and add 1 tablespoon cream either whipped or plain; a little nutmeg may be sprinkled over the top. Both the iced chocolate and coffee make excellent warm-weather luncheon drinks and offer a change from the usual iced tea. And, by the way, iced tea should be made fresh and used at once if it is to be at its best. Always make tea with water which has been freshly boiled For iced tea make a little stronger than usual, and steep only 4 minutes, then pour in tall glasses 2/3 full of shaved or crushed ice. Add thin slices of lemon and pass powdered sugar. For a tea punch chill tea; add 1/4 as much lemon juice as tea. Keep very cold and just before serving add 1 small bottle of ginger ale for every 2 quarts of tea.

For those persons who enjoy the flavor of chocolate, but do not care to indulge in fattening foods, cocoa may be freely used. Cocoa is almost free of the rich fats contained in chocolate.

Orange Julip

3 oranges. 1 grapefruit. 1 cup sugar.

2 cups boiling water. 1 pint ginger ale. 1 spray fresh mint.

Extract orange and grapefruit juice. Boil sugar and water 5 minutes; cool and add to fruit juice. Just before serving add ginger ale. Fill bottom of glass with crushed ice, add a small bit of the bruised mint, then fill glasses with liquid. Thin quartered slices of orange or cherries may be added.