Batter Fritters

One pint of sifted flour, two tablespoonfuls of baking powder, one pint of sweet milk, one table-spoonful of fresh butter, half a teaspoonful of salt, four fresh eggs beaten separately. Put the flour into a pan and set it into a pan containing warm water, put the milk, butter and salt over the fire and when the butter is melted take it off and stir one half of it into the flour, stir it until it is a smooth batter, then stir in the other half; beat the yolks and stir them in, then put in the baking-powder and beat the whites with one tablespoon-ful of white sugar to a stiff foam, stir them in and fry immediately in hot lard. Serve with a wine sauce.

Apple Fritters

Can be made by the above directions, with the addition of ripe sour apples chopped fine. Serve with a hard sauce or a wine sauce.

Bread Fritters

Three fresh eggs, three tablespoonfuls of white granulated sugar, one teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon, one pint of rich sweet milk. Beat the eggs, sugar and cinnamon together; cut the bread in slices half an inch thick, then cut them in two in the middle and leave the crust on to keep them from breaking, then lay them into the custard and let them soak through. Have ready on the fire a frying pan with a large kitchen spoonful of fresh butter in it and when it is hot enough to brown lay the bread in carefully and fry it on both sides a light brown, turn and lift it with a cake turner. Make a sauce with the custard that is left, by adding a tablespoonful of sugar and a little wine. Serve it with a wine sauce.