Lard Kept Sweet

Put one pound of white granulated sugar to twenty-five pounds of lard. After the lard has been tried out and strained, let it get cool enough to congeal until it is just stiff enough for a stick to stand upright in it, then stir in the sugar and mix it evenly together. Put it into stone crocks or wooden firkins that have covers, and it will keep sweet for a year.

Spermaceti And Stearine Removed

To remove spermaceti and stearine spots from woolen goods and carpets, place a piece of brown paper over the spots and set a hot iron on them, don't let the iron remain on them more than a second, then place a clean part of the paper over the spots, and replace the iron and repeat this as long as there is a spot on the paper.

Grease Can Be Removed

From woolen goods and carpets with turpentine. Saturate a piece of woolen cloth or canton flannel with turpentine, and rub the grease spots with it.

Fresh Paint

Can be removed in the same manner with turpentine as in the preceding receipt.

How To Clean Busts Of Plaster Of Paris

Take a piece of the finest sand paper and rub the bust gently all over with it. This will restore it to its original whiteness without injuring it if done carefully. A fine stiff brush will restore it in the same manner.

How To Clean Marble

Take a piece of canton flannel, wet it in warm water, and rub Sapolio on it until it lathers, then rub the marble all over with it. Sponge it off with clear water and dry it off with a clean soft cloth.

How To Clean Brass Chandeliers, Brasses, Etc

Put one ounce of oxalic acid into one pint of cold water. Apply it with a brush, or if the surface is even apply it with a piece of canton flannel.

How To Clean A Brass Or Copper Kettle

Take salt and vinegar and a piece of canton flannel and wash the kettle with it.

Satin And Silk Ribbons Cleaned

Satin and silk ribbons of the most delicate colors can be cleaned beautifully with the spirits of turpentine without changing the color in the least.

Fold a linen towel lengthways, four double, and lay it on a press-board, then place the ribbon on it right side uppermost, then take a piece of an old fine linen pocket handkerchief that has no starch in it, and saturate it with turpentine. Rub the ribbon gently all over with it, then place it on the ironing table, spread a gentleman's linen pocket handkerchief over it and iron it, then hang it in front of an open window until the odor of the turpentine is gone.

Grease Spots On Light Colored Silks

Can be taken out with magnesia. If the aress is lined make an opening in the lining and rub the magnesia on the underside of the silk and let it remain there. At the drugstores they have it made in squares and put up in small boxes for this purpose. It is very convenient to have in the house, or in traveling in case of an accident.