In arranging the menu too much should not be attempted and each course should be in pleasing contrast to the last. Except for a very elaborate dinner, raw oysters, a clear soup, fish, one entree, a roast with potatoes and one other vegetable, salad with cheese straws or crackers and cheese, an ice, fruit and black coffee should be sufficient. Butter is seldom served except at the informal dinner.

Outline Menu For Full Course Dinner

Shellfish ("Appetizer") - on ice with lemon - light oyster crackers.

Clear Soup - in soup plates, half full - thick slices of bread or roll folded in the napkin. Hors d'ceuvres ("Relishes") - olives, celery, radishes, etc., passed after soup is served. Fish - with appropriate sauce, potato balls and cucumbers if possible. Entree - patties, timbale of chicken, or creamed dishes in paper cases (bread passed). Meat - with appropriate sauce, jelly, potatoes, one vegetable with fruit. (Sherbet, or "punch," may be served as a course.) Game, or Young Poultry - served whole if small; others in halves or slices; varying accompaniments. Salad - (usually vegetable) served with the game - may be accompanied with Brie, Roquefort, or cream cheese and crackers. (Salad and cheese sticks may be served in place of game.)

Hot Pudding - with sauce.

Glace - ice, ice cream or frozen dessert - with sweet wafers. Dessert - nuts, fruits, bonbons, crackers, cheese. Coffee - black, served with sugar alone. (Cafe noir.)