Strawberry Sponge

1/2 an ounce of gelatine, or 1 cup of sugar. 1/4 a package. The juice of one lemon. 1/4 cup of cold water. 1 cup of strawberry juice and pulp. 1/4 cup of hot water. The whites of three eggs.

Soak the gelatine in the cold water and dissolve in the hot water; add the sugar, stir until dissolved, then strain into a dish standing in ice water; when cool add the strawberry juice and beat until light, then beat in, gradually, the whites of the eggs, beaten light, and continue beating until the mixture will hold its shape. Have ready a chilled earthen or agate-ware bowl, lined with strawberries (cut the berries in halves and dip them in melted gelatine, and they will adhere to the bowl) and turn the sponge into the bowl. Serve, turned from the bowl and garnished with whipped cream and whole strawberries.