Many times an individual is slightly ill when it is not necessary to call the doctor and yet when especial care with the food would help towards rapid recovery. In the case of colds, for instance, which are usually contracted because the individual is slightly below par, the first thing to do is to maintain a laxative diet of low fuel value for about twenty-four hours. This means an increased quantity of fruits and vegetables, no fats nor sugars, and a small amount of starches. When the system has become cleared, this diet should be followed by one that is high in such food as will build up the strength of the body. Extra fats should be used in the form of butter, cream, salad oil, and bacon fat. Care of course should be taken to use foods that are easily digested and not those that would again clog up the system.

Food requirement in sickness


In those cases where the digestive tract itself is not working properly it is well to avoid all food whatever for a day or so, or to use only those foods that are very light and easy to digest, such as thoroughly dried toast and broths, particularly mutton broth in which rice has been cooked. The diet may then be gradually increased, beginning with the simple foods of the semi-solid diet, avoiding sugars and rich foods, and using fruits and vegetables very cautiously since they are apt to be irritating to the intestinal tract.