Hot Cabbage Salad

1 small head cabbage, shredded

3 or 4 tabascos, cut fine 3 hard-boiled eggs

3 tablespoons capers or washed currants

2 tablespoons sugar 1 level teaspoon salt 1 head lettuce

Shred the cabbage fine and even. Place in a large bowl and stir in the tabascos, sugar, and salt, and allow it to stand in a cool place for 30 minutes. At serving time make a dressing of the following:

2 rounding tablespoons butter

3 level tablespoons flour

1 pint rich, sweet milk 1/2 cup vinegar

Melt the butter, fold or braid in the flour and cook until quite thick, stirring constantly. Add the vinegar slowly.

At serving time pour the hot dressing over the cabbage, place in a salad bowl on a bed of lettuce. Have the hard-boiled eggs cut as for egg vases, with scalloped edges. Bed them in the salad and fill them with the capers or currants. Garnish the edges with radishes cut into roses.

Pea Salad

1 can small peas 1 scant pint mayonnaise 1/2 cup almonds, cut fine

1/2 cup English walnuts, cut fine 1/4 cup currants

Drain the liquor from the peas, and allow them to stand in a colander some six hours. Blanch the nuts and cut them fine. Toss peas and nuts together, fold in the dressing, place in a chilled salad bowl, in pyramid form. Garnish with thick dressing and currants.

Potato Salad

3 cups cooked potato cubes 1 cooked beet, grated

1 cooked carrot, grated 1/2 uncooked onion, chopped

Serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing.

Carrot And Green Pepper Salad

Cut cold cooked carrot into thin strips about 3 inches long. Place the strips through rings of green pepper made by cutting the peppers crosswise. Season with salt, pepper, and a little onion juice. Arrange on beds of fresh, crisp lettuce leaves. Serve with mayonnaise or a boiled dressing.

Green Bean And Pickled Beet Salad

Marinate cold cooked string beans in French dressing. Arrange them on a platter on lettuce in a hollow square, interlacing them at the corners like logs for a log cabin. Fill the center of the square with a mixture of pickled beets and string beans with a very little chopped onion. Serve with a salad dressing.

Other vegetables may be used for filling the center of the square, such as green peas, diced tomato, or cucumber.

Tomato Salad Jelly

2 tablespoons gelatine soaked in 1/2 cup cold water

3 cups tomato juice 1/2 teaspoon onion-salt or

I slice onion

1 clove

I teaspoon celery-salt or

I tablespoon minced celery

1 teaspoon minced parsley

2 tablespoons lime or lemon juice

Combine the tomato juice with the seasoning and cook 5 minutes. Add the gelatine, strain, and pour into individual molds. When very cold, turn out and serve with mayonnaise on cress or lettuce.

Hindu Salad

Shred some crisp white lettuce leaves and arrange them upon the salad plates. Arrange 4 thick slices of tomato upon the bed of lettuce, and upon 2 slices pile shaved celery. On the other 2 slices pile finely cut water cress. Garnish with pieces of pimento shaped with fancy cutters. Pour over all a plain French dressing before serving.