
2 medium-sized Onions.

1 Apple.

2 oz. Nut Margarine.

1 dessertspoonful of Curry Powder.

2 large Carrots.

3 hard-boiled Eggs.

1 tablespoonful of Chutney (Bengal).

1 teaspoonful of Lemon Juice.

Salt to taste.

How To Make:

Finely chop the onions and fry until brown in the butter in a saucepan, peel and core the apple, finely chop and mix with the onions, add the curry powder, and cook for 10 minutes; stir in the lemon juice, chutney and salt, scrape the carrots and cut them into thin strips, cook in boiling salted water until soft, then mix with the other ingredients, using a little of the water in which the carrots were cooked, cut the eggs into slices, mix with the other ingredients, make very hot, and dish up with a border of nicely cooked rice.