We never before saw anything like the branch of black Currant tree you sent us, nor can we suggest what may be the cause of it. As it destroys their fruitfulness, we advise you to lift them and plant them elsewhere. We would be disposed to give the soil a dressing of quicklime.

A Constant Reader #1

Your Geraniums are in precisely that condition in which we have seen them when in badly drained pots, and when over-watered in compact or soddened soil. See to the drainage, and if the soil is soured, let them become dry, shake all the soil from them, and repot them in fibrous loam, with a third part of leaf-mould or well-rotted manure, and you will find the spot leave them, all other things being equal.

A Constant Reader #2

Inasmuch as the Carnation you name is not hardy, it must be considered a soft-wooded greenhouse plant.

A Constant Reader #3

Not being possessed of the horticultural transactions in which Mr Knight's practice is detailed, we cannot give you the information you ask for.

C. L. C - 1, Phytolacca decandra; 2, Tricyrtis hirta.