Prices Of Orchids

How popular orchids are in England may be judged from prices often paid for them. At a recent public sale of the bankrupt stock of Rollinson & Sons, some of the moderate sized plants sold brought $15, while some brought as high as $60. It is one of the advantages of an orchid plant that it grows rapidly in value with age, as the increase is slow, and plants of one kind rarely become numerous.

Crassula Lactea

This interesting Winter-flowering room and conservatory plant, to the merits of which we have repeatedly called attention, is now being brought out as a rarity and highly appreciated in England. It is strange that such a very old plant should have been so long overlooked. It is a sort of house-leek, and has snow white flowers in large clusters. In America it flowers about Christmas time.

The Persian Cyclamen

In Mr. B. S. Williams' seed catalogue is a colored plate of a remarkably well grown cyclamen in which the flowers are two and a quarter inches long and two and a half wide. Can any of our cultivators do better than this?

Striped Flowered Geraniums

Mr. Harris tells us that the striped flowers of "New Life" are liable to become plain, as in similar cases in dahlias and chrysanthemums. Any tendency to this should be checked by pruning out.

Geranium Oil

This popular element in an apothecary's stock is made from the leaves of the Rose Geranium; or should be.

Name Of Plant

Clara M., Paducah, Ky. The plant is Euphorbia jacquiniaeflora, or as it is sometimes in catalogue Euphorbia splendens. It is a very desirable winter flowering, warm greenhouse plant.

Carnation Waverley

We have some blooms of a seedling named as above, and which is a shade darker, more on the crimson than the "La Purite." If it should prove as good a grower and free a bloomer as that popular variety, we see no reason why it should not become a favorite winter-blooming kind.

Carnation Waverley 20

Camellia Pit

M. J. M., Louisville, Ky., asks: "Is there any objection to a large light pit for camelias and azelias, if properly warmed in winter." To which we reply that there is no objection whatever. They will flower very well under such conditions.

Whale Oil Soap

Mr. G. B., Yonkers, N. Y., asks: "Would the editor of the GardneR's Monthly please inform me in the next number of the Monthly, the quantity of whale oil soap to put to a gallon of water, to kill insects on rose bushes in the garden, and when to begin to apply it?"

[A table spoonful should be sufficient in most cases, but the general practice is to watch the effect, beginning lightly, and increasing the dose as it may seem not injurious. - Ed. G. M].