We see by the following note from P. M. K., Brookston, White County, Indiana, that the cabbage worm has at length reached that far west. The only comfort we can give our correspondent is, that in a year or so an enemy may follow, the butter-fly and the caterpillars will not then be as numerous:

"Last year the cabbage crop in garden and field was destroyed by a dark colored insect about one-fourth of an inch long. It made its appearance and attack upon the cabbage some time in October, and soon after they commenced heading, and continued to eat to the center until it was destroyed. It is the impression of some that a small worm first appeared upon the outer leaves of the Cabbage. Presuming you are familiar with this insect and the remedy for its destruction, or to render it harmless to the cabbage crop, I shall esteem it a favor if you will inform me".