The idea that the dipping of the pipe is new, was quite errouneous; it had been , practised in England years ago, as well as in this vicinity, in Montgomery county.

Mr. Pollock made tome remarks in corroboration of this position. Several other members recorded their experience, when the subject was laid on the table for future consideration.

The usual hour of adjournment not having arrived, the subject of "Indigenous and Exotic Grapes" was, on motion, taken up for discussion; quite a lively and interesting conversational debate ensued, which was participated in by Prof. Stephens, William Saunders, James Eadie, James Jones, H. Pettigrew, R.R. Scott, and others. We must reserve a report for another occasion.

Members elected. Honorary: Dr. John A. Kennicott, Chicago; James Bisset, Sr., Washington, D. C.; William Graham, Blockley. Resident: J. F. Knorr, William Anderson, gardener to J. N. Dickson, Esq.; Hugh Pettigrew, West Philadelphia.

The subject set apart for May 14th is "Manures".

James Eadie #1

Can not subscribe to this dry air theory; have found roses attacked with mildew in very damp houses; in fact, the damp appeared to be the direct cause of their being mildewed. I do not know exactly what we should understand by a nice, moist, growing atmosphere. I have experienced mildew in what I would consider just such circumstances. It has been stated that mildew will not occur if air is moist and currents of sir avoided, but this is not the fact; the disease is there; it requires some warm, sunny days to make it obvious on the surface of the leaves. The mildew is established during the dark, cloudy days, and, after ma-taring, rises to the surface, when it is seen for the first time to the eye; but careful examination of the leaves will prove its existence previously; it is shown in discolored blotches, which exposure to the sun will turn brown. When the grape-mildew is fully developed, presenting its peculiar white, downy appearance, it can be washed off with the syringe, but the disease is not washed out of the leaf.

There is not a single fungus in existence that will develop in a dry, warm atmosphere.

James Eadie #2

Dry weather, immediately after dull, cloudy weather; and I would ask Mr. Grassie if his gooseberries did not mildew in dry weather succeeding very dull, damp weather? Why is it that if mildew is worse in dryest atmosphere, that in Syria, of which the grape is a native, it is unknown? and how is the potato disease to be accounted for, attacking a Peruvian plant, which was never subject to botrytis, or potato-murrain, in its native soil, in the damp climate of Ireland and England? How is it that the vine-disease is prevalent only in the low countries of Europe, and not in the high districts? Sulphur and lime are applied because of their effects in drying of the fungus.

James Eadie #3

The last speaker observed that the strong-growing varieties of roses are more liable to attack than others. This is only the case in some instances. La Reine, Giant of the Battle, and Seine des Fleurs, all of them strong growers, can not be kept free from it; while weak, slender-wooded trees are quite free with me. Nor can I concur in the idea that currents of air tend to produce it. All fungi are propagated and developed pretty much under the same conditions. Now, take the mushroom-house as an example: who would think of starting his mushroom-spawn in a current of air? Do not we keep our mushroom-bed as close as possible, exempt from any change of temperature? If the air is kept dry, the fungus will not soon spread, while if kept close it will run before twenty-four hours. It is worse in the hot, dry days which succeed damp weather; then the fungus is dried in the sun, and becomes visible;. in the damp weather it was growing and extending rapidly over the plant unobserved.