Fig. 20. How To Prune Dwarf Tea-Scented Roses

A, cutting of Hybrid Tea La France, with outline of first season's weakly growths: a, roots; b, shoots.

B, plant (A), two years old: c, points where weakly shoots (A b) were pruned to one bud each in the previous spring; d, depth of planting, all the stem or cutting part being buried, partly to make sure of growths from the stem in case of severe frost cutting the top growths to the ground, and partly to ensure roots pushing from the base of the shoots as indicated by the dotted lines; e, main roots formation; f, vigorous shoots, g, points of long pruning for good growth and flowers; h, points of short pruning for fewer very fine flowers.

C, plant (A), three years old, long pruned (B g): i, shoots from the main buds; j, growths from the side buds; k, a growth which has sprung from a buried bud. The bars indicate the points of pruning.

D, an exactly similar plant to A, treated as B, but short pruned.

(B h): l, growths from the main buds; m, growths from the side buds; n, growth from a bud below ground; o, points of pruning.

E, one year old plant of La France Rose on the seedling Brier, pruned: p, side shoots shortened to two buds; q, leading growth cut to five buds, not counting the basal bud in either case.

F, two years old plant (E) a year older, only one shoot being allowed on each side branch, and two shoots on the leading branch, showing the third pruning: r, side branch shoots cut to two buds; s, upper branch shoots to three buds. The dotted lines indicate growths from the buds on the respective shoots.