Part 140. The bellflower order (Campanulales), includes several families with flowers perfect, imperfect, or neutral, regular or irregular, mostly gamopetalous; the stamens five, adherent to the corolla, distinct or more or less coherent; anthers not poricidal; ovary compound, inferior.

The formula of Campanulales is given on pages 420, 421.

Part 141. The Bellflower Series

Part 141. The bellflower series (Metachlamydeae) in contrast with the crowfoot series or Archichlamydeae, includes several orders which are characterized by the prevalence of a gamopetalous corolla. This, as showing a more advanced development of the perianth than we find in archichlamydeous flowers (see section 129), entitles the flower possessing it to be distinguished as metachlamydeous.1

1 Met'-a-chla-myd"-e-ous - Gr. meta, beyond.