Telephone girl with acute migraine, but was of neurasthenic and highly nervous temperament at best. Her physician usually began with a hypodermic of morphin sulphate 1/4 grain and atropin sulphate 1/150 grain, and, in addition to this, prescribed a brisk purgative of calomel, aloes, podophyllin, cascara, etc.; also hot foot baths and hot fomentations. If constipated, he directed an enema to be given at once.

The girl reached her home at six o'clock in the evening in one of her most severe attacks. At least two days were usually required for her to get over one of these severe headaches, usually associated with indigestion, and during this time from two to three hypodermics of morphin were required in addition to a dozen doses of coal tar preparations, bromids, etc.

She was a young woman twenty years of age, with an unstable, nervous system, and the cares of life were bearing heavily upon her. Her responsibilities were heavy and her work arduous. Her headaches and general collapse were nature's rebellion against the outrage being daily committed against her weak physical organization. But her suffering was great and she needed help.

Her physician had already recognized the harmful effect of the narcotics, sedatives, purgatives, etc., which were being demanded more frequently, and were used each time with less efficacy.

At half-past six o'clock I went with her physician to see the girl, suffering with an intense headache, nervous, etc. I told her I could rub her head with a medicine that I had and relieve her headache, and that she would go to sleep.

She readily went under the influence of my suggestions, was easily hypnotized, and I suggested that her head was getting easy and her nerves getting steady, and quiet, and strong, and repeated this suggestion a half dozen or more times, ending by saying that by the time I counted ten she would be perfectly easy from head to foot - that her nervous equilibrium would be completely reestablished.

We allowed her to sleep until after my lecture, and returned at half-past ten o'clock to find her asleep. She awoke at my suggestion perfectly easy, thoroughly relaxed, in a copious perspiration. I directed that she be rubbed off gently with a dry towel, drink a glass of malted milk with two eggs in it, and drink all the water she wanted. She drank two large glassfuls, and then I directed that she shut her eyes and go to sleep, and sleep soundly all night. No, I did not hypnotize her again, for I had suggested in the hypnotic state that she could go to sleep after I awakened her, and every night after that whenever she decided to do so.

Her physician telephoned me that he called on her at seven o'clock the next morning to inquire about her condition, but she had gone to her post at the telephone office. I answered him that was cruelty to animals, for she should have rested that day. What she really needed was shorter working hours, better pay, and more time to devote to outdoor exercise, reading, recreation, etc. But she was in the "mill," to have her life ground out of her to enlarge the dividends of an enormous corporation - to be used like corn that is ground to be made into bread.

If the medical profession expects to be held in the esteem of the public which it so eminently deserves, the physician as an individual should speak out upon these questions that concern the welfare of our fellowman, not alone in hygiene, dietetics, sanitation, etc., but upon any and all problems that influence the health and happiness of the individual.