Acute Rheumatism


℞ Sodii salicylatis.........℥ ss

Aquae.............q. s.

Make into a solution. S. Soak lint in the solution, and under a cover of oil silk apply to the affected joints. - Dr. Charles Orton.

Acute Articular Rheumatism


℞ Hydratis chloralis........3 j

Acidi salicylici........3 ss

Unguenti stramonii........℥ j

M. S. Apply locally. - Bellevue Hospital.

Chronic Arthritis


℞ Iodoformi ............℥ ss

Ętheris sulphurici,

Alcoholis........āā ℥ j

Dissolve. S. Apply to the diseased joint by means of a pencil, the parts should then be covered with a piece of oiled silk.

- Prof. Gubler.

For Rheumatic Joints


℞ Salol,

Ętheris..........āā 3 iv

Collodii........... 3 xxx

M. S. To be used as an external application. - London Medical Recorder.



Remedies Recommended

Acid, gallic

Acid, nitro-muriatic

(baths) Acid, tannic Baths, astringent Baths, chalybeate Baths, saline Calcium, carbonate of Calcium, lactophosphate of Calcium, phosphate of Charcoal, animal Cod-liver oil: Cold sponging. Iron, iodide of Iron, phosphate of Iron, wine of


Lime water.

Maltine with hypophosphites Pepsin. Phosphates. Phosphatic food. Phosphorus in cod-liver oil. Quinine. Sarsaparilla. Sea bathing. Sodium, phosphate of Sugar. Sulpho-carbolate of lime. Sweet fern.

Rickets - Formulary Of Selected Remedies


℞ Sodii phosphatis.........3 j

Sodii carbonatis........3 ij

Sacchari lactis.........3 iij

M. Divide into three parts. One to each meal. Cod-liver oil, salt and aromatic baths, friction to the skin with flannels impregnated with aromatic vapor. - Dr. Eugene Bouchut.


℞ Ferri ammoniae.........Э j

Pulveris viij

Confectionis rosae........q. s.

M. Make into five pills. S. One pill a day for a fortnight, then, omit for the same time and again resume.

In Rickets And Other Strumous Diseases Of Children


℞ Ferri phosphatis.........Э j

Pulveris niyrrhae....... gr. xv

Sacchari albi......... 3 ss

M. Divide into six powders. S. One to be taken night and morning.

- Thomas Hawkes Tanner, M. D.


℞ Carbonis animalis,

Pulveris glycyrrhizae ...............āā 3 vj M.s. Half or a whole teaspoonful twice a day. - Radius.

Treatment By Baths


℞ Ferri sulphatis.........℥ ss

Aquae .............C iv


℞ Quercus contusae........℥ xvj

Aquae calidae..........c ij

M. Boil for half an hour, and add the strained decoction to three gallons of warm water. - Louisville Medical News.

How To Resist The Fever


℞ Ammonii carbonatis....... Э ij

Diquoris ammoniae acetatis................℥ iijss

Syrupi simplicis......... ℥ ss

M. S. Tablespoonful in a little water every two or three hours, according to the age of the patient and the urgency of the symptoms.

- Dr. Stiles Kennedy.