℞ Quiniae sulphatis........gr. iv

Acidi sulphurici.........q. s.

To effect a solution.

Aquae . ............ ℥ j

M. S. Apply frequently.


℞ Hydrargyri chloridi corrosivi.............gr. ss

Aquae............. ℥ viij

M. S. Apply freely. - Tarnier.

HyperÆMIA Of The Conjunctiva.


℞ Spiritus aetheris nitrosi......3 j

Acidi acetici aromatici..... vj

Aquae destillatae.......... ℥ vj

M. S. To be sponged over the enclosed eyelids, and around the eyes, three or four times daily, and allowed to evaporate.


℞ Ætheris ............3ij

Spiritus rosmarinae....... ℥ iv

M. To be used in the same manner as the above, but in smaller quantity.

- Prof. J. Soelberg Wells.


℞ Zinci sulphatis.........gr. ij

Aquae destillatae....... ℥ iv


℞ Plumbi acetatis.........gr. ij

Aquae destillatae......... ℥iv

M. The above are to be applied by saturating a piece of lint with the solution and laying it over the eyelid for fifteen or twenty minutes, several times a day, allowing a few drops to enter the eye. - Ibid.

In Chronic HyperÆmia Of The Conjunc Tiva.


℞ Cupri sulphatis.........gr. j

Aquae destillatae.........℥ j


℞ Argenti nitratis.........gr. j

Aquae destillatae..................................... ℥ j

M. A drop or two of one of these collyria is to be applied to the conjunctiva.

- Prof. J. Soelberg Wells.