Achille Tenaille De Vaulabelle, a French historian, born at Chatel-Censoir, Yonne, in October, 1799. He began life as a journalist, and in 1838 became an editor of the National. In 1835 appeared his Histoire de Egypte moderne from 1801 to 1833, and in 1844 his Histoire des deux restaurations jusqu'd, vavenement de Louis Philippe (3d revised ed., 8 vols., 1864). The provisional government of 1848 offered to send him as minister either to London or to Berlin, but he preferred to take his seat in the constituent assembly, and served on the committee for drawing up the new constitution and as chairman of that on education, and was minister of education from July to October. He opposed the policy of Louis Napoleon, and lost his seat in the elections of December, 1851. He has since written historical works on Louis Philippe's government, on the republic of 1848, and on the second empire. - His brother, Eleonore de Vaulabelle (1802-59), wrote M. de Similor en Californie (2d ed., 1856), and was a joint author of vaudevilles under the name of Jules Cordier.