Koorg, Or Cadnga Coorg, a district of S. Hin-dostan, among the Western Ghauts, bounded N. by Canara and Mysore, E. by Mysore, S. by Malabar, and W. by Malabar and Canara, mainly between lat. 12° and 12° 45' N., and lon. 75° 25' and 76° E.; area about 1,600 sq. m.; pop. in 1871, 111,830. It is extremely rugged, mountainous in all parts, covered in some places with forests of sandal and other woods, but in many others overrun with jungle. The most noteworthy feature of the district is the artificial fortifications, the country being intersected by ramparts 15 to 25 ft. in height, and ditches 10 ft. deep and 8 ft. wide. These works are supposed to be very ancient, and in some places they are crowned with enormous trees. The soil is fertile; rice is cultivated for exportation, pepper, cardamoms, and other spices are produced, and great attention is paid to cattle-raising. The climate is temperate, and generally healthy. The inhabitants are Brahmans. It is the custom for brothers of the same family to have their wives in common. There are no manufactures except of coarse cloths for domestic wear. Mercara is the capital. Coorg was formerly an independent principality, and considerably larger than the present district known by that name.

It was seized by Hyder Ali in 1773, and parcelled out among many petty chieftains; but in 1787 the son of the deposed rajah succeeded in expelling the invaders. In 1834 the territory was added to the possessions of the East India company. The chief commissioner of Mysore has also charge of the district of Coorg.