A general term applied to a great variety of implements employed in the mechanic arts. Thus with a shipwright, a mould signifies a thin flexible piece of wood, on which the required curves of the timbers are truly cut out. Moulds, in the manufacture of paper, are the frames in which the sheets of paper are moulded; see Paper Manufacture. Bullet moulds, are similar to iron pincers in their handles and joint, but the jaws are solid, each containing a hemispherical concavity, which, when closed together, form an entire sphere, leaving a small hole or jet through which the melted lead is conveyed. Glaziers' moulds are of several forms, for casting the strips of lead, which are afterwards drawn through their vice. Candle moulds are used by the tallow-chandlers, for casting their mould candles in. The term mould is indeed of such general application to patterns for working by, and to various tools containing hollow cavities, either for casting in or producing various forms by percussion or compression.


Any thing that has been cast in a mould, or has that appearance; in architecture, the term is applied to the ornamental projections from a wall or column, etc.