This section is from the book "Money And Investments", by Montgomery Rollins. Also available from Amazon: Money and Investments.
See "Bearer Securities."
(See "Brightons.") The deferred ordinary stock of that company.
Used in London to designate the North Eastern Rwy. Consolidated.
Used in cities where there are two or more exchanges to designate the principal one. The New York Stock Exchange, in that city, is referred to as the "Big Board" to distinguish it from either the "Consolidated Exchange" or the "Curb Exchange."
(See " Bills Payable.")
A term used in Spain for Stock Exchange or "Bourse." Book. See "Make a Book."
Used in London to designate the ordinary shares of the Aerated Bread Co.
Brighton A. (See "Brightons.") The deferred ordinary stock of that company.
Used in London to designate the London, Brighton and So. Coast Rwy.
Used in London to designate the ordinary stock of the North British Rwy.
See "Standard Gauge."
A London term for the ordinary stock of the London & No. Western Rwy.
In 1720 there was an English statute passed for the purpose of putting an end to such frauds as the "South Sea Bubble" (to which subject refer) and other illusory stock jobbing schemes.
Buying-in. See "Hammered."
Buying-In and Selling-out Department. See " Hammered."
Buying-In Day. (First read "Deed of Transfer.") When a transfer deed is not delivered to the buyer by a certain time, his broker may proceed to buy-in the security as described under "Hammered." The one who has failed to deliver the deed must bear any loss which his neglect has occasioned. The day on which this class of "buying-in" takes place is usually the tenth day after "pay-day " (see that subject) in each "account," and is called "buying-in day."
Used in London to designate the ordinary stock of the Caledonian Rwy.
Used in London to designate the ordinary shares of the Calico Printers Association.
Used in London to designate the ordinary shares of the British South Africa Co.
(See "Chathams.") The preference stock of that company.
Used in London to designate the ordinary stock of the London, Chatham & Dover Rwy.
A London term for the deferred stock of the Caledonian Rwy.
Committee for General Purposes. See "Official List."
As defined under the Federal Reserve Act, "a note, draft, or bill of exchange secured by warehouse terminal receipts, or shipping documents covering approved and readily marketable, non-perishable staples, insured."
Companies' Consolidation Act, 1908. If on the prospectus of an English company issue, which has been filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies (see that subject), should appear, below the title of the company, the statement that it had been incorporated under the Companies' Consolidation Act, of 1908, it will be understood that the company has been brought out in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Great Britain, entitling the purchasers of its securities to the protection of the English law. Such a statement would immediately convey to the English mind that this was a home company rather than one incorporated under New Jersey, Canada or elsewhere.
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