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Cook Books

There is no love sincerer than the love of food. Learn how to prepare delicious meals with the Cook Books available here.

Part I: Recipes and Cookbooks

-Cook Books and Recipes
A huge collection of cookbooks full of delicious irresistible recipes

Part II: Vegetarian Cooking

-Meatless Cookery | by Maria Mcilvaine Gillmore
With special reference to diet for heart disease, blood pressure and autointoxication
-Vegetarian Cook Book: Substitutes for Flesh Foods | by E. G. Fulton
It must appeal to the judgment of every thinking man and woman that the human family are more in need of sound, wholesome advice as to what they should eat and drink than ever before. The number of physicians and dentists increases each year at an alarming rate, but the aches and ills of the suffering people do not lessen. Thousands of people find themselves in a deplorable condition, with stomachs almost worn out, having depended largely upon pre-digested foods and a long list of so-called "dyspepsia cures."
-New Vegetarian Dishes | by Mrs. Bowdich
There are already a good many vegetarian cookery books, ranging in price from one penny to half-a-crown, but yet, when I am asked, as not unfrequently happens, to recommend such a book, I know of only one which at all fulfils the requirements, and even that one is, I find, rather severely criticised by ladies who know anything about the matter. To have to live by some of them would almost make a vegetarian turn meat-eater. Most are compilations from other books with the meat dishes left out, and a little porridge and a few beans and peas thrown in. All of them, I believe, contain a lot of puddings and sweets, which certainly are vegetarian, but which can be found in any ordinary cookery book.
-One Hundred And One Practical Non-Flesh Recipes | by Margaret Blatch
These 101 Best Recipes, in addition to making tasty, nourishing and economical dishes, are particularly suited for use by those contemplating a change to vegetarian diet. For nine years my husband and I have been abstainers from flesh-foods. During this time we have devoted our attention to forming new combinations of these foods, with special reference to their nutritive value, digestibility, tastiness, and dainty dishing up.
-The Laurel Health Cookery | by Evora Bucknum Perkins
For the preparation of non-flesh foods in palatable and attractive ways. In its preparation, I have purposed to make the book practical, avoiding technicalities and to some extent conventionalities, and have endeavored to "meet the people where they are" by not being extreme or radical and at the same time to make principles of truth so clear that many will be won from "the indulgence of appetite, which places them in such a condition of health that there is a constant warring against the soul's highest interests."
-Mrs. Rorer's Vegetable Cookery And Meat Substitutes | by Sarah Tyson Rorer
The spirit as well as the letter of this book is universally needed. Over-eating of meat has had its day, and has left us as a reminder much sickness and sorrow. It is not my purpose in this book to promulgate any cult, nor have I written it to show the wisdom of a strictly vegetable diet. My aim is to present clearly, concisely and simply, in a logical fashion, the best meat substitutes and their artistic and hygienic accompaniments.

Part III: Baking

-Best Recipes For Baking. A Book For The Home | by John William Schroers
It is the object of this book to show in plain language all who are interested how to become successful in the art of baking, and to give such plain, full and complete instructions with each recipe that every person will be sure of success.
-Perfection in Baking | by Emil Braun
It is the main object of this work to show in plain language all who are interested how to become successful in baking; the theories of how to put together and how to change recipes, when the same grades or brands of materials are not on hand. Judgment and common sense must be displayed to insure success.
-A Treatise On Flour, Yeast, Fermentation And Baking Together With RecipesFor Bread And Cakes | by Julius Emil Wihlfahrt
In writing this book it has been my aim to present, in a form as condensed as possible, a work valuable to all persons interested in the baking trade. One of my chief purposes is in the interest of practical baking, which requires exact knowledge of flours and fermentations, together with all such recipes known to me in which compressed yeast should be used.

Part IV: Food Preserving and Canning

-Everywoman's Canning Book by Mary B. Hughes
The most practical way to conserve foods is to can or dry them for future use when the harvests are abundant and foodstuffs are low in price. To encourage housewives to do more canning, preserving, and drying, I have prepared this book, dealing with the problems of home canning as they developed at Mrs. Hemenway's Canning Kitchen for War Relief, in Boston. The conditions there, under which 8,000 jars were safely sealed for winter use, without loss, were the same as those found in the average household. Five years' experience canning my own garden surplus taught me many practical points which have been incorporated here, with the hope of aiding other housekeepers in their canning.
-Home Canning Recipes And Instructions | by Butler Mfg. Co
This book of recipes and instructions was compiled especially for Butler Mfg. Co. It embodies the methods of canning which are used and thoroughly approved by Home Economic Departments of Colleges and Universities. Government and experimental bulletins have been canvassed and an accurate compilation has been made. This is a valuable booklet for anyone.
-Save It For Winter | by Frederick Fry Rockwell
Did you ever stop to think that it is nothing more nor less than saving food for winter? Upon our ability to keep food for future use is built the whole fabric of civilization. With the science, or the art-for it partakes of both-of food preservation wiped out of existence, that civilization would have to fall, and the races of mankind revert to nomadic tribes scouring the earth's surface for such food as Nature provided, and starving when they could not find it.
-Canning, Preserving And Pickling | by Marion Harris Neil
The book is intended as a practical guide to those who are desirous of becoming acquainted with the art of canning and preserving in its best and most economical form, and as the recipes have been tested in my school of cookery, they will be found quite reliable.
-Canning, Preserving Pickling and Fruit Desserts | by Jeanette C. Van Duyn
In the season when fruit and vegetables are plentiful, canning and preserving should form an important branch of work in the home activities, and every energetic and thrifty housewife should take the opportunity of bottling or putting up in tins a good supply for winter use.
-Preserving At Home: A Book For The Home Economist | by Emily Riesenberg
Fruits are too often looked upon merely as table luxuries, and because of their rather low nutritive value are not always estimated at their true worth. Fruit, both fresh and cooked, has great dietetic value and should be used generously but wisely. Fruits supply a variety of flavors, acids, and sugar, while they are generally rich in potash and sodium salts as well as other minerals; the vegetable acids have a solvent power over the nutriments, and if taken in moderation are an aid to digestion, as the necessary bulk and waste matter promote intestinal action. Fruit and fruit juices keep the blood in a healthy condition, and if the supply of fresh meat, fish, and vegetables is limited, fruit and fruit juices are needed to balance the food allowance.
-Preserving And Pickling | by Mary M. Wright
Every housekeeper knows what a comfort it is to have a good supply of her own preserves and pickles which she can rely upon when the winter season comes around, and fresh fruits are hard to obtain or are too expensive. The putting up of one's own preserves and pickles is fascinating work, and it is surprising how quickly the pantry shelves may be filled with these delicacies by doing up a small quantity of fruit at a time, and the expense is scarcely felt at all.

Part V: Studies on Ingredients

-Cocoa | by Edith A. Browne
It is astonishing how ignorant is the world as a whole of the great industries which maintain our oft-boasted civilization, and it is ignorance of this character which this series of books aims to dispel. Produced on the same lines as the "Peeps at Many Lands" series, which has met with such remarkable success, these books will bring the reader into a complete understanding of all the great industries of the British Empire and the world at large. Technicalities being avoided, there are no impedimenta in the way of easy assimilation of the story and the romance of great manufactures. The reader is taken into the atmosphere and confronted with the stern realities of each industry, and when he has laid down the book he will find he has another window in his house to let in the sunshine of knowledge.
-Cocoa And Chocolate | by Walter Baker
A short history of their production and use with a full and particular account of their properties, and of the various methods of preparing them for food
-The Potato: A Compilation of Information from Every Available Source | by Eugene H. Grubb, W. S. Guilford
It is with the hope that a compilation of information in regard to one of the world's greatest food plants - the potato - will be of service to the increasing thousands of people now interested and becoming interested in practical, scientific agriculture, that this work is published.
-Guide For Nut Cookery | by Almeda Lambert
Together with a brief history of nuts and their food values.
-Monograph on Flavoring Extracts With Essences, Syrups, and Colorings | by Joseph Harrop
Also formulas for their preparation. with appendix intended for the use of druggists.

Part VI: Drinks and Beverages

-Books on Drinks and Beverages
Recipes and science behind beverages - alcoholic and non-alcoholic

Part VII: Food Science

-Food Science Books
Books on the science of food preparation and its storage.

Part VIII: Everything on Household

-Household Books
Household management, housekeeping and house making books
-Household Companion: The Model CookBook
This is a complete guide in all the duties of the kitchen, containing general instructions on the care of the fire and cooking. It also tells how to prepare all the different classes of dishes, such as soups, fish, poultry, meats, eggs, vegetables, sauces, breads, cakes and desserts, so that the most inexperienced can provide appetizing food, and the best housekeeper can find very many helpful hints.

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