Baked Peach Dumplings

Make a paste as for peach shortcake, and cut into squares of five inches, lay in center of each a whole peach which has been peeled and the stone removed and the center filled with sugar and one whole clove, pinch the edges of the dough togther and lay close in a baking tin with the smooth side uppermost. Pour over a gill of water and bake covered until the crust is done. Uncover and brown. Serve with sauce. - Mrs. J. W. Smith, Williams, Ariz.

Fruit Dumplings

One large cupful flour, one large tablespoonful cottolene, one pinch salt, one teaspoonful baking powder, milk enough to make it about as stiff as biscuit dough. Put about two inches of boiling water in your baking dish; one cupful sugar, one-third cup butter, a little nutmeg; stir until thoroughly dissolved. Roll dough about one-eighth of an inch thick. Cut each dumpling the size of a tea plate. Into this put sliced apples (or any fruit or berries) seasoned with sugar, butter and nutmeg. Dampen the edges and pinch together into a dumpling. Place these - about six - in the pan of hot syrup, and bake moderately slow, basting the tops occasionally. - Mrs. Martin Buggeln, Williams, Ariz.

Apple Dumplings

Pare and core six good sized tart apples, filling open part with butter and sugar. Have ready a nice light biscuit crust. Cut in circle large enough to cover apple when pinched together at the top. Put dumplings in a little water and butter in the baking pan and bake forty minutes; or, steam these dumplings one and one-half to two hours. Berries make a good substitute. Sauce: One cupful water in the double boiler, one-half cupful white sugar, one-half cupful brown sugar, butter size of an egg, two teaspoonfuls cornstarch, one teaspoonful vanilla, nutmeg to taste. Cook mixture until it thickens. Serve hot. If berries are used in the dumplings, mash and sweeten some for the sauce, omitting vanilla. - Mrs. Dermout, Williams, Ariz.

Apple Dumplings

Make a rich biscuit dough, roll out as for pie, peel two good sized cooking apples, slice thin, place them in the crust with one-half cup sugar and butter size of a walnut, a little nutmeg if desired. Pinch the crust up around the apples and place in a round pan. Around the dumpling add one-half cup sugar and boiling water to half fill the pan. Bake one-half hour. - Mrs. J. S. Folsom, Flagstaff, Ariz.