
Sliced Peaches in Cream (1828)

Petti John Food (170)

Poached Eggs, Saragosse

Whitebait, Farm Style (1373)

Tripe Saute, Lyonnaise (981) Hashed Brown Potatoes (50)

Cornmeal Muffins (51)

2212. Poached Eggs, Saragosse

Cut in small square pieces half a Spanish onion and one sound green pepper, place in small saucepan with a tablespoon melted butter and lightly fry six minutes. Add three finely chopped, peeled, fresh red tomatoes and one gill tomato sauce. Season with three saltspoons salt, three saltspoons sugar and two saltspoons pepper, then boil ten minutes. Cut from a stale loaf of sandwich bread six quarter-inch-thick slices, cut each slice in two even square pieces, and toast them a nice golden colour. Lightly butter with a little anchovy butter. Arrange on a hot dish. Place twelve poached eggs (No. 106) on top, pour the sauce over and serve.


Soft Clams, Newburgh (529)

Smoked Beef Tongue aux Ravioli

Creamed Spinach (399)

Apricot Fritters (266)

2213. Smoked Beef Tongue Aux Ravioli

Plunge a medium smoked beef tongue in one and a half gallons boiling water and boil two and a half hours. Remove, pare and remove the skin. Slice in quarter-inch slices. Mix in a bowl one ounce butter, three tablespoons bread crumbs, half teaspoon chopped parsley, half bean chopped garlic, four finely chopped shallots, one egg yolk, two saltspoons salt and saltspoon pepper; then spread the mixture at bottom of a baking dish, place slices over, one overlapping another, arrange a ravioli (No. 1127) on top of the tongue. Pour a sauce Italienne (No. 1244) over all. Sprinkle a little grated Parmesan cheese on top. Set in oven twenty-five minutes. Remove and serve.